Monday, 18 February 2013

Cyprus Elections - Outopos, Praksoula And the other seven outsiders..

A very quick thought I have due to the Elections yesterday.. We had eleven candidates, with only three of them having a chance to be elected as President.  Are all the rest of the candidates crazy? Do they live in an illusion that everybody will vote for them, or is it a Cheap promotion of themselves?

Charles Ponzi invented the CEO-centric marketing where the CEO promotes the company by promoting himself..  And since the cost to participate in Cyprus elections is not high; CEO-centric marketing  might be the explanation.  (Best example might be the case of Microsoft where Bill Gates travels around the world helping poor people and charities improving his images and thus, the image of Microsoft)

Andreas Efstathiou is a business man, Praxoula Antoniadou has been using the personal promotion for a long time and who doesn't know Outopos due to elections? 

*P.S. If you see me as a candidate in five years, with a chef hat promoting free food and desserts everywhere, as my plan for our country to get out of the recession... DO NOT think I have lost it.. I might be ready to open my own patisserie and thus I am promoting myself.!